
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs


Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, a theory of motivation in psychology, is often depicted as a hierarchy within a pyramid. From the bottom of the hierarchy up, the needs are: physiological (food and clothing), safety (job security), social needs (friendship), respect, and self-actualization. This five-stage model can be divided into insufficient demand and growing demand.

In management, Maslow's hierarchy of needs is placed in the discipline of Organizational Behavior, which is biased towards humanistic management. It is mainly used to study the relationship between individuals and teams in enterprises, units and groups, and the relationship between individuals.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs typically has five dimensions, as follows:

Physical needs: that is, the most basic survival needs, food, water, air, sleep, sex and other needs, they occupy the most important and most original power in human survival.

Safety needs: On the basis of ensuring survival, people need a stable, safe, protected and orderly living environment, which can make people feel safe and eliminate fear and anxiety.

Belongingness and love needs: A person needs to establish feelings or corresponding relationships with others to survive in society and groups, such as communicating with relatives, making friends, pursuing love, etc.

Demand respect (Esteem needs) : maslow's this kind of demand can be divided into two parts: the first is to respect yourself (dignity, achievement, self control, independent personality, etc.); The second is the recognition and respect of others for their reputation (such as status, fame, power, prestige, etc.).

Cognitive needs: After ensuring the safety of their own survival and obtaining a certain sense of social belonging, they pursue spiritual pursuits, such as understanding of knowledge, curiosity about the world and relations, exploration of internal and external, and prediction of various life limits.

The new requirement hierarchy is as follows:

Aesthetic needs: appreciation and search for beauty, life balance, sense of form, etc.
Self-actualization needs: People seek to realize and perfect their abilities or potentials.
Transcendence needs: A person is motivated by values that transcend the individual's self.

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