"China Sport Lottery" Shenzhen 2015 - 29th Amateur Football League, Bluestar joined with a team
whose major members are from Global Social Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd (www.hqrm.cn) – a company of Bluestar, and won the
second prize.
In this
tournament, Bluestar team had overcome a series of opponents and come to the
quarter-final round, faced to the defending champinon. However, with the effort
of the whole team, as well as the enthusiatic cheers from the fans, Bluestar
team overcame this difficult match with the result of 1:0, and entered the
semi-final round.
the semi-final, of course, everything was more difficult than the quarter-final.
To be able to enter the final, our team had to won a very strong team which is
the top seed of this year championship – Nanling Iron Wovles team. The match
with this team became an extremely tense and memorable match when we had to
decide the victory on penalties. The final result is 4:1 for our team. This is
a great result, and we got a chance to become the championship in the final
in the final match, we had no luck as before, even though our team strived
their best, and number of fans is even completely more than before, we still
lost the championship of this year. In spite of that, we had very great
football matches, and above all, the sport spirit as well as the solidarity of
all the members are more advanced. We will together make further efforts to not
only be skilled in manufacturing, but also good at workout!