People have mentioned 5S (Sort, Systematic Arrangement, Shine, Standardize and Sustain) methodology a lot, and usually most of the people will think of applying it to a factory or a workshop. However, the scope of applying this method is very broad, and we can use it for a school, an office or even our home.

At Bluestar Mould Group, we have applied the 5S method in managing the factories for years. Now, we will also officially put it into application at our corporate headquarter in Shekou. With this application, the head office has been rearranged more logically, neatly and cleanly. Staffs working here also have to review layouts of their documents, make them all more reasonable and convenient to use, arrange desks in a scientific way and keep everything clean, so that we can make the quality of the working environment better.

In theory, we have been implementing the 5S method, but in fact, at both factories and headquarter we also have to ensure the implementation of additional 2Ss, which are Safety and Security. The application of traditional 5S helps us make a work environment clean, tidy and more scientific, but the additional 2S will ensure the safety of workers as well as ensure the assets of each individual employee as well as the company. Thanks to this, our work could achieve greater efficiency, while issues such as occupational accidents are clearly diminished.