
A Solution-Focused Mindset -The 8th BSM Leadership Training

27th, Dec, 2014, the 8th BSM Leadership Training ended in Nanshan. Compared to the previous trainings, this training was more focused on “a

Solution-oriented Methodology” to help the BSM management team be quicker and more efficient in troubleshooting. 45 middle-upper management personnel joined the training and responded very positively.

The BSM Group stresses a lot on the development of human resources and staff’s talents. The corporate training system covers from orientation, new staff training, and training for production line staffs and very importantly, the leadership team. “Leadership is a key capability. Training costs a lot. Yet we’ll have to pay more if we don’t do”, as the BSM president always says.

The training composed of tutorial, group discussions, role play and creative activities and brought the trainees to a true working life picture of questions/problems that they have to face everyday-“How do I confront problems?” Management expert Louis Cauffman believes that for every problem there always lay at least three solutions. For a good solution, the person might resort to constructing a series of good questions to find the way to break the roadblock. Rather than being hot and losing temper, one might be cool-minded and rational.”

BSM group, Copyright 2014 ICP 05144174, Guangdong

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