Every year we have several times to visit our customers over the world, and this April our team just came to the US and visit some of our customers there. This time, our team has 3 people, including Mr.Philip Huang (President of Bluestar Mould), Mr.Adah Cao (Vice President of Bluestar Mould) and Ms.Lara Deng (Sales Specialist of Bluestar Mould). Accompany with them, we also have the joining of our USA-based team: Mr.Chuck Baker (Sales Director of America) and Mr.John Lesky (Project Engineer).

Our team at the office of Bluestar Mould Group in Troy, Michigan, USA.

This office was set up last month – March, 2016.
Our team stayed there for 10 days - from 11/4 to 21/4, and they have a full schedule of meetings with our dear customers around the US.