
Plastics contribute greatly to Climate Protection


Plastics are lightweight, versatile and durable which is significant to energy and resource savings in strategic business sectors including retail, construction, healthcare, automotive and renewable energy. 

For the automotive sector, plastic parts in a car are 40-50% lighter than those made of alternative materials. Therefore, plastics can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions by millions of tonnes per year. 

This is also right for the plane sector: Plastics help to make planes lighter, then contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Besides, the lighter plane will also consume less fuel.

Plastics are also lighter and therefore transporting them as final goods, whether they are white goods or food bottles and packaging, or industrial infrastructure products, is an advantage to the environment.

For plastics preserve water, plastics pipes are energy efficient. Their low weight means less energy in transport, handling and installation. Their smoothness reduces pumping energy. Plastics pipes provide a sustainable and safe way to distribute valuable drinking water.  A new portable purification system made of plastics simplifies on-site conversion of large quantities of dirty water into potable water.

In packaging industry, plastics enable resource efficient packaging solutions, which come from the fact that plastic packaging facilitates significantly reduced material consumption which results in less energy consumption. According to Plastic Europe, 50% of all European goods are packed in plastics and 60 million tonnes of CO2 are saved per year, thanks to lightweight plastics packaging. 

Meanwhile, household devices equipped with state-of-the-art technology consume less energy. This is the benefit of premium quality plastics foam. Plastics help us economize on valuable resources such as energy and water in a way that would have been inconceivable only a few years ago.

Besides, plastics in wind power, solar panels and insulation panel also bring huge benefits for the environment, help us have better solutions to deal with the climate change. The followings are what plastics contribute to Climate Protection – according to the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change known as "Paris 2015” from November 30th to December 11th:

• Plastics provide numerous solutions for climate protection

• Plastics’ unique characteristics contribute seriously to a more environmentally sustainable and recovery efficient world.

• Plastics are lightweight, versatile and durable and therefore contribute to energy and resource savings in strategic sectors.

• Plastics are one of the most resource-efficient materials around since it saves more energy than it takes to produce and recover.

• Around 96% of crude oil and gas goes directly into energy production for heating, transport and electricity. Only 4% is used for the production of plastics

• And at the end of it’s life, plastics can be recycled or used for energy recovery.

COP21 is a crucial conference in order to achieve a new international agreement on the climate, applicable to all countries, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2°C.

BSM group, Copyright 2014 ICP 05144174, Guangdong

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