
What Is PDCA?


What Is PDCA?

In the 1950s, management consultant Dr William Edwards Deming developed a method of identifying why some products or processes don't work as hoped. His approach has since become a popular strategy tool, used by many different types of organizations. It allows them to formulate theories about what needs to change, and then test them in a "continuous feedback loop."

1. Plan

First, identify and understand your problem or opportunity. Perhaps the standard of a finished product isn't high enough, or an aspect of your marketing process should be getting better results.

Explore the information available in full. Generate and screen ideas, and develop a robust implementation plan.

Be sure to state your success criteria and make them as measurable as possible. You'll return to them later in the Check stage.

2. Do

Once you've identified a potential solution, test it safely with a small-scale pilot project. This will show whether your proposed changes achieve the desired outcome – with minimal disruption to the rest of your operation if they don't. For example, you could organize a trial within a department, in a limited geographical area, or with a particular demographic.

As you run the pilot project, gather data to show whether the change has worked or not. You'll use this in the next stage.

3. Check

Next, analyze your pilot project's results against the criteria that you defined in Step 1, to assess whether your idea was a success.

If it wasn't, return to Step 1. If it was, advance to Step 4.

You may decide to try out more changes, and repeat the Do and Check phases. But if your original plan definitely isn't working, you'll need to return to Step 1.

4. Act

This is where you implement your solution. But remember that PDCA/PDSA is a loop, not a process with a beginning and end. Your improved process or product becomes the new baseline, but you continue to look for ways to make it even better.

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