
What is the four-quadrant time management matrix?


What is the four-quadrant time management matrix?

The four-quadrant time management matrix is a framework for organizing tasks according to their urgency and importance.

A major challenge many people face is planning their time.  For instance, we often prioritize urgent activities — including activities that aren’t very important.  This consumes a lot of time that we could otherwise spend on more constructive tasks that offer long-term rewards.

The goal of the four-quadrant time management matrix is to help balance these tasks so that you prioritize the most important and urgent ones before all others.

The four-quadrant matrix was designed around the Eisenhower Matrix developed by Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The Eisenhower Matrix consists of the following four distinct quadrants:
Do: Important and Urgent
Decide/Schedule: Not Urgent but Important

Delegate: Urgent but not Important

Delete: Neither Important nor Urgent

Tasks are added to each quadrant according to their priority.

The best way to understand the four-quadrant time management matrix is by defining each quadrant.

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